系所別 |
考試科目 |
資訊管理學系 |
資訊管理實務 |
※ 考生請於答案卷內作答
1. 資訊管理的定位在「教育目標」以及「人才培養」方面,與其他資訊科系有何不同? (5%)資訊管理研究主題的發展階段、與其簡要內涵為何?(20%)發展行程與社會環境變遷的互動原因為何?(5%)
2. 請簡介你曾經參加過的專案,其目標與成果為何? (5%)如果是系統發展專案,其SDLC為何?如果是行為研究專案,其研究方法為何?請按照專案實施的程序,逐步簡要敘述。(20%)並說明你在專案中的工作與心得。 (5%)
3. What is your specific objective of your future research? Please summarize a brief review about the relevant literature and current research background for your interest. (15%) Why could the Shih Hsin University help you to reach your goal? (5%)
*This question is required to answer in English. Answers in Chinese will not be accepted.
4. 解釋名詞
Reengineering (5%)
Data Warehouse (5%)
ISP/ICP (5%)
Knowledge management (5%)